Employee Spotlight


Lee Contreras has been at PTA Plastics since 1994 and is a Customer Service and Purchasing Manager in our Colorado office. Some of Lee's daily responsibilities include covering Engineering/Tooling, Customer Service, and Purchasing.

“As a Customer Service and Purchasing Manager at PTA Plastics, what are your daily responsibilities? What impact does your role have on our organization?"

Currently my daily responsibilities cover Engineering/Tooling, Customer Service and Purchasing. I am also an Internal Auditor. My roles impact PTA financially whether we are entering orders or invoicing, keeping management current on what our sales will be and job close outs in a timely matter. Communication to our customers on any delays and addressing their concerns is key. I recently was promoted to manager and now I get to coach my team members to be the best version they can be and help them with their goals. As an internal auditor, I see other roles at PTA and how they impact what I do and how what I do impacts them. I highly recommend anyone who wants to learn more about their company to be an Internal Auditor.

"What are you most excited about working at PTA Plastics and why?"

I’ve been with PTA going on 28 years. We have grown so much since the day I started. I am excited on the future and changes that are occurring daily and my role in helping management in any way I can to make PTA successful.

"Tell us something that people might not know about you."

I tried college right out of high school and it wasn’t for me. I joined the Army and participated in Operation Just Cause in Panama and Desert Storm in Saudi Arabia. The 5 ½ years I spent in the Army straightened me out and made me who I am today. I am Native American and Polish and belong to the Ho-Chunk Nation.

"Can you tell us some fun facts about yourself?"

Hometown? Born and raised in Chicago.

Favorite Book? The Twilight and Harry Potter Series.

Favorite Movie? I don’t really have one favorite movie but I will watch The Divine Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood, Fried Green Tomatoes, Smoke Signals and the Joy Luck Club any time they are on. And of course Twilight and Harry Potter movies should be a given.

Favorite Sports Team? Chicago Bears, Cubs and Hawks.

Favorite Vacation Spot? Can’t decide if it’s Hawaii or Mexico.

Favorite Hobby? Spending time with my family. We all love the outdoors so it’s usually an outdoor event. Watching sports, hiking, cooking, going to the lake. Family time is precious. I recently starting going to EDM concerts. Last year I went to Bass Canyon with my daughter and it was a lot of fun. I’ll be seeing my first concert at Red Rocks after being here over 20 years! I’m also a co-leader with a local women’s shooting club.

Favorite Food? That’s a hard one. Asian cuisine is number one followed by Mexican and Italian. I also love seafood. The only thing I won’t eat is okra, yuck!

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Angelina H. Dekato

Supporting new product introduction and speed to market, PTA Plastics is a progressive custom plastic injection molder – specializing in engineering for low/medium volume and high mix solutions. An in-house tool room with deep moldmaking competencies led by a cohesive team of Employee-Owners, PTA Plastics serves the medical, defense, and safety and security markets.

ISO 9001:2015
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 13485:2016
ISO 13485:2016